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Keords Ensures Your Best First Impression with Targeted Social Media Creatives

Social media is often the first point of contact between you and your clients. It's where first impressions are formed. In this blog, we discuss how crucial it is to have informative and impressive social media content and how Keords makes it happen.

The Importance of Targeted Social Media Creatives:

Believe it or not, your social media presence is where you make or break client impressions. It needs to be not just visually appealing but also informative and perfectly targeted.

Keords' Secret Sauce:

Our strategy at Keords is to hit the right audience with the right language and address their specific pain points. This approach is our secret sauce to boosting sign-ups and enhancing brand awareness across all platforms, including LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.

See What We Did With One of Our SaaS Clients:

Highlighting our work with a SaaS company, we created LinkedIn posts that showcased how big companies achieved great results using their product. This campaign led to a 120% increase in traffic and sign-ups, proving the effectiveness of industry-specific, targeted social media content.

Creative Linkedin Ads
Keords Linkedin Ads

Creative Linkedin Ads
Keords Linkedin Ads

Creative Linkedin Ad Layout
Linkedin Ad Layout

This strategic shift at Keords emphasizes the importance of well-crafted social media creatives in building brand identity and driving business growth in the digital age. We understand that in the world of SaaS, sometimes, the first interaction with your brand is a social media post, and we make it count.

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